Combat Climate Change

Join the fight against climate change before it’s too late.


Current levels of carbon dioxide are higher than they have been in the past 650,000 years. This massive increase in greenhouse gases results in rising temperatures around the world. To find out more about greenhouse gases click here.

Polar Ice Caps

Temperatures have risen an average of 0.07℃ (0.13°F) each decade, resulting in increased glacial melt. This not only threatens the homes of native populations such as polar bears, but raises sea levels and threatens coastal communities.

Natural Disasters

Increased global surface temperatures heighten the possibility of droughts and the intensity of storms. Faster wind speeds make these storms much more destructive while increased sea levels widen the impact to communities on higher ground.

About Us

Hi, we are Cayla and Varsha and we made this website to spread awareness about climate change. Each one of us has the power to make a difference, and it’s time for us to speak out. Change needs to come and it needs to come now!